Graded exams are taken within the school from Class up to Advanced level. These can be taken in Ballet, Tap, Modern, Contemporary and Gymnastic Dance. These are much more structured exams and consist of lots of different preparatory exercises, along with theory and a dance at the end. Class level can be teacher lead but preliminary upwards students must complete the exams independently but in small groups with their peers. They start from 15 minutes and go up to an hour long. At the end of a graded exam each student will be receive a diploma and an examiners form. From Grade 1 upwards students are marked for each individual section and therefore a much more detailed result is produced. Higher exams go towards students portfolios and also can gain UCAS POINTS. At HSOD we welcome all students and do the best we can to get each students up to the desired standard, however we are unable to enter any student for a graded exam who has not reached the required standard.