Please note that all children under secondary school age will need to be accompanied by an adult for the duration of their allocated time. Changing areas should remain female only and all students should arrive ready with hair and make up complete. Food and refreshments will be available on the day. All costumes should be left at the venue after the exam.
Saturday 18th January 2025 – Intermediate Tap/Advanced 1 Modern
Please note there will be extra rehearsals for these exams on Friday 17th January and attendance to these rehearsals is very important.
Attendance times for Friday 17th January are as follows:
INT TAP – Maisie, Phoeve, Renee and Eva – 5.45pm – 6.45pm
ADV 1 MODERN – Isabella, Megan, Leah and Daisy – 6.15pm – 8pm
Attendance times for the exam day (Saturday 18th) are as follows:
INT TAP – Maisie, Phoeve, Renee and Eva – 2.45pm – 4.15pm
ADV 1 MODERN – Isabella, Megan. Leah, and Daisy – 3.30pm – 5.30pm
All students should wear their black leggings, leotard, black socks and either Jazz or tap shoes. Natural makeup can be worn if desired. Hair should be in a high bun but please ensure it is very secure and high enough to lay down with (Modern).
There will be no normal or gym lesson on this day but there will be a pointe lesson from 2pm – 2.30pm.
Saturday 1st February 2024
Please note there are NO lessons on this day.
Advanced Seniors 3/4 Dance Award
Costumes will be given out before the exam day, please arrive ready in the first outfit which is the Duet please bring all other costumes with you. Please provide all dance shoes and black socks, hair should be in a high pony and strong makeup should be worn. Please take all costumes home to wash then return the following lesson.
Attendance Times:
2:15pm-4:45pm (5:20pm if in gym): Maisie, Eva, Renee, Phoeve
2:30pm-5pm (5:20pm if in gym): Isabella, Daisy, Megan, Leah